Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The addition begins...

If the weather and everything else goes according to plan, we'll be breaking ground on a 240 square foot addition to our 1950's ranch house next Monday. I've rearranged many things since we bought our home a little over two years ago, but this will be the first time it involves actually moving and the walls (not to mention constructing a new foundation, roof, etc.).

Thankfully my father is on-hand to help. He has many years of construction experience and built the house I grew up in from the ground up. I mean that in the most literal sense. He didn't hire people to build a house; he actually built it himself.

We're planning to do most of the work ourselves (in addition to doing our regular jobs and hanging on to our sanity). This siding has been removed from the gable wall that's being moved out eight feet, and most of the shrubs on that end of the house are done as well.

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