Saturday, November 27, 2010

Inside work has begun on the second bedroom

If you've been wondering what the addition looks like from the inside, you're finally going to find out. Until a week ago, the inside of the house looked fairly normal. There were some new electrical outlets, a few new windows, and a couple of windows that had been removed, but nothing exciting or picture-worthy.

Last week we broke through the old gable wall in the second bedroom (that's the one in the front of the house, which was set up as a guest room/office). Now when you walk into the bedroom from the hallways, you can go from the existing part right into the addition.

If you head towards the addition part, you can even look to the right into what will be the new part of the master bedroom.

We're hoping to have the second bedroom finished by Christmas, and will move on to finishing the master bedroom after that. I'm also hoping to reclaim my dining room for at least a few days to host Christmas dinner (most of the stuff that was in the second bedroom has been temporarily stuffed into the dining room).

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