Thursday, June 24, 2010

I am a bad blogger...

I have no good excuse for my lack of posting; other than work and normal life stuff I haven't been particularly busy (sadly I have not been away on a spectacular vacation and thankfully there has not been a crisis).

Since I last posted, Dad and I put up the interior wall for the addition (also the support wall, so it's kind of important) and installed the ceiling joists. At some point I will even get outside during daylight hours to take pictures so I can post them.

The windows arrived exactly as scheduled (June 15th) and will be delivered tomorrow.

Dad has been out of town on a trolley move for the past two weeks (but he should be back this weekend), so there's not much else new to report. With the heat and humidity that we've been having, it's just as well that we haven't been outside working. Cross your fingers for me that it will cool off starting this weekend.

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