Saturday, May 22, 2010

Still here

I haven't written recently because we decided to abandon the idea of an addition and are just going fill the foundation with water and use it as a swimming pool. Good thing we've had a lot of rain recently.

I'm kidding.

The real reason I haven't written is that there hasn't been much to report recently. Dad is away helping one of his friends move a trolley car (restoring antique street cars is one of his hobbies), so not much progress has been made.

The tie downs came in last week, but haven't been installed yet because we need to do a bit of chiseling to the beams to make everything fit. Once that is done we can have the open deck inspection, and then we'll be able to deck the floor and begin framing.

This morning I ordered nine Andersen 400 Series Tilt-Wash windows. In addition to the seven windows needed for the two bedrooms that are involved in the addition, we are also replacing the windows of the smallest bedroom. I want to eventually replace all the windows in the house (they are from the mid 50's, which should give you some clue about their energy efficiency, or lack thereof), and since we'll have the siding off of the wall where the smallest bedroom is, it makes sense to just go ahead and replace them now. Not only does the window purchase qualify us for the federal tax credit, but Andersen is also offering a rebate on purchases of seven or more qualifying windows through select dealers.

Hopefully after next weekend I'll have some more progress to report.

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