Here's a current view of our hallway. We've taken up the carpet just past what was originally the doorway to the second bedroom (which is where the doorway to the new laundry room will be located on the left) and extended it into the part of what was the old master bedroom. The header you can see at the end of the hallway is where the new linen closet will be. The last doorway on the left is the entrance to the new second bedroom, and the doorway to the new master bedroom will be at the end on the right.
Speaking of the master bedroom, it's coming along nicely. The wall that divides the bedroom from the walk-in closet and master bath still needs to be built, as well as the wall that will be between the bath and the closet. Of the walls that are currently built, most of them are sheetrocked (but not yet spackled).
The picture below was taken from what will be the master bathroom, looking out into the master bedroom. The two studs to the right are the start of the wall that will divide the bedroom from the bathroom and closet. If you look closely, you can see the wiring for the ceiling fan.
7 years ago